Originally inspired by our belief that we could do almost anything, we let our imaginations run free. What would be your idea of the ultimate role-playing experience if you weren't aware of any limits? That's what we've been asking ourselves for many years and Sui Generis is the culmination of our ideas.
Sui Generis is set in a dark, hostile mediaeval world pervaded by intrigue and treachery. A completely original work evolved over many years, the Sui Generis universe is the product of many rare moments of inspiration. It encompasses a vast and rich history spanning aeons and galaxies, not as vague mythology but actual chains of events leading to the current situation. In Sui Generis you will get a sense that everything is connected and exists for a reason. You won't just be fed the history in a cutscene or book and you may never know the full story. We believe that piecing together elusive clues will be of huge entertainment value.
We are a small team of 5 people who have been working in their spare time whenever possible. We are scattered across different cities and even countries. We started work on the game just over a year ago and it's been a difficult journey but we've reached the point where we are able to make it. To complete the game we need to all work full time and together as a team.
We didn't know about Kickstarter until recently. We did know, however, that we would need to raise money in order to complete our game. We have always taken a great interest in crowd funding and believe that gamers will be able to appreciate what we are trying to do. Investors are unlikely to share our aims and their involvement could have a negative impact on our game. We also dislike some of the business practices adopted by the games industry in recent years. We want to stick with a simple approach that we consider honest and let the quality of our product determine it's success. We believe that making games should be a craft, not a business.
When we discovered Kickstarter we thought it was a perfect fit for our project. We hope that you agree, that you will share some of our excitement and help us see this adventure through to its conclusion. Give us this opportunity and we will prove our mettle.
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