Thursday, October 11, 2012

Paper Sorcerer Beta release!!

So the Paper Sorcerer Beta was released this week. 

I had a chance to play around with it while stuck at work this morning(by morning I mean maintenance at 3am blegh). I'm pleased to announce I'm very happy with it in it's current form though I'm told it's far from complete. In a nut shell what were looking at here is an FPTRPG(lol) First-person Turn-based Role-playing Game with a pokemon-esque menagerie of monsters replacing party members. If you want the full story head over to the kickstarter and check that out. I can't say with any certainty what the first FPTRPG was but  on a guess I'd say it was Wizardry. My personal jump off was actually Wizardry II : Knight of Diamonds.

I played it on the NES so the graphics weren't quite as dated over the original. I think what ultimately pulls me toward this genre again and again is that it's the ultimate adventure. You really have no clue what you're getting into or where it's going. Every step could be fatal or magical, you never know for sure. 

So far as I can see Jesse as developed his game as a 3 pronged attack and done so with great success. He's hit Wizardry and dungeon crawler fans, Adults who enjoy  menagerie games but who struggle find ones that don't specifically appeal to children and the extremely relevant abstract comic art style that's big now thanks to Mike magnolias work with Hellboy. That's not a discredit to Jesse. He has his own style and it is remarkable.

 Paper sorcerer is benefiting in a way few games do by having an Art Major filling all rolls in the development. What might not be feasible in a 1st Party title has found the perfect home with this small indie project.

Due the NDA associated with being a private backer I can't give you much detail about the game. I can tell you tonight I used one of my summons skills on a guard that sent out the summon cracking against the foe in a splendor that made me want to scream at my LCD Gangnam style. If you would like to see more of that you should head over to Ultra Runaway Games where Jesse has a bit of actual gameplay posted.

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